LZ-801M为多系统承重、测力展现变送智能仪表,兼容整个应变速率电阻功率桥式感测器器接通;每 秒超过960次的高速路AD取样车速,归属于🤡最高值、谷值、级限值及区城依据设立输出精度🌳模块, 根本采软件于普通测力软件形式。规定显卡配置串口网络通信,为事件调查数据文件连接网络监控摄像头受到更多不便。 该多功能仪表可多方面操作于矿业、橡塑、伺料、五金建材、冶金的行业等多方面的行业测重范畴,并且配备、测试 室测力、转矩测量方法各个领域。
LZ-801M is a multi-functional weighing and force measuring display transmitting instrument, which supports the access of all strain resistance force sensors. The high-speed AD sampling speed is up to 960 times per second, covering the peak value, valley value, limit value and regional range setting output function, which is fully suitable for conventional force measurement applications. The standard configuration of serial communication brings more convenience for the follow-up data network monitoring. The instrument can be widely used in many industries such as chemical industry, rubber and plastics, feed, building materials, metallurgy and other industries, as well as assembly, laboratory force measurement and torque measurement.另外企业信息:
如您有其他的需要,如量程、尺寸、安装位置、内置变送器等其他要求,请于米乐m6 联系,米乐m6 可为您量身定做。